Is it possible to masturbate with prostatitis, adenoma and cancer?
Masturbation for prostatitis, adenoma and prostate cancer has different effects. In some cases
Pear for enemas
How to treat prostatitis and adenoma with microenemas
Microclysters for prostatitis are very effective procedures, because in this way the substances are used in the best way
Comparison of healthy and inflamed prostate gland
What happens and how is acute inflammation of the prostate gland treated?
Acute prostatitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Most often the root cause is
Doctor consulting patient
How to identify and treat congestive prostatitis
Congestive prostatitis is formed due to non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland. Poor circulation in the pelvis and
Man before surgery
How is vaporization of prostate adenoma performed?
Vaporization of prostate adenoma is the process of exposure of tumor-affected tissue with laser or plasma
Performing prostate surgery
Types and performance of prostate ablation
Prostate ablation is an operation to destroy the part of the prostate affected by the tumor. It is carried out transurethrally, which
Carrying out the operation
Possible complications after TUR of prostate adenoma
Consequences after TURP surgery for prostate adenoma include various symptoms. Some of them are complications
Magnetic therapy device Almag
Treatment with magnetic therapy of the prostate gland
Prostate magnetic therapy is an effective physiotherapy procedure that is used in combination with drug treatment. Capable
Comparison of normal and enlarged prostate
How to treat acute and chronic bacterial prostatitis
Bacterial prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, which, if left untreated, can lead to multiple
The doctor prescribes treatment
Causes, signs and treatment regimen for abacterial prostatitis
Abacterial prostatitis (sometimes called chronic pelvic pain syndrome) is an inflammation of the prostate gland that occurs or
A man before surgery TOUR of the prostate
How is transurethral resection of prostate adenoma performed?
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR or TURP) is the most commonly used operation for advanced
Medical leech on hand
The influence and methods of applying leeches for prostatitis
Treatment of prostatitis with leeches can be prescribed as a physiotherapeutic method or for the prevention of the disease.
Device for performing laser operations
Transurethral enucleation of the prostate with a holmium laser for adenoma
Enucleation of prostate adenoma is an operation to remove part or all of the tumor using holmium
Carrying out a laser treatment procedure
How is laser therapy performed for prostatitis and adenoma?
Laser treatment of prostatitis can enhance the effectiveness of drug therapy and speed up the recovery of chronic forms of inflammation.
Operating table and laser equipment
How to perform surgery to remove an adenoma with a laser
Laser removal of prostate adenoma is a modern method that does not require incisions or general anesthesia, therefore
Steam room inside the bathhouse
Rules for visiting baths and saunas for prostatitis and adenoma
You can take a steam bath for prostatitis and prostate adenoma only during the period of attenuation of the disease.
Set of heating pads
How does heat work for prostatitis and adenoma?
You can warm the prostate during prostatitis by adhering to certain rules and without any contraindications.
Various types of alcoholic drinks
Are alcohol and prostate adenoma compatible?
Drinking alcohol with prostate adenoma is prohibited in most cases. The exception is the period of remission and
Cycling with prostatitis and adenoma
How does cycling or an exercise bike affect prostatitis and adenoma?
Prostatitis and cycling have a relationship, because this sport has both positive and
The doctor prescribes a diet
Menu and principles of nutrition for prostate cancer
The diet for prostate cancer is based on the principles of healthy eating. It excludes foods and dishes
Vegetable Salad
Nutrition for prostatitis - list of healthy foods and menu for the week
A diet for prostatitis is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the body and involves eliminating foods that irritate the prostate.
Products for proper nutrition
Proper nutrition for prostate adenoma
Diet for prostate adenoma is one of the mandatory steps in the complex therapy of BPH. She
Test tubes with blood for analysis
Decrease in prostate PSA level in cancer and adenoma
To normalize PSA levels, you need to diagnose the disease and carry out the prescribed treatment. But some ways
Test tube with urine test
What urine test indicators indicate prostatitis?
Urinalysis for prostatitis is one of the primary diagnostic procedures, but its accuracy is not enough
Tubes with blood samples
What blood indicators indicate prostatitis?
A blood test for prostatitis is one of the first studies of the patient’s condition. He's incapable
Taking blood from a vein for analysis
What blood test results indicate prostate cancer?
A blood test for prostate cancer is one of the first methods for diagnosing oncology. Unfortunately,
Man taking a bath
How to take warm baths for prostatitis and adenoma
Hot baths for prostatitis can be an excellent remedy for complex treatment. But for this
Blood sample for PSA test
What does high PSA indicate in prostate adenoma?
PSA analysis for prostate adenoma allows you to distinguish a benign tumor from a malignant one, monitor
Staphylococcus colony under a microscope
How to cure staphylococcus in the prostate
Staphylococcus is a bacterium that can infect various tissues of the human body, including the prostate.
Various types of alcoholic drinks
The effect of alcohol on prostate cancer
Research into the relationship between alcohol and prostate cancer has been going on for a long time. Based on cumulative results