How is vaporization of prostate adenoma performed?

Vaporization of prostate adenoma is the process of exposing tumor-affected tissue with laser or plasma in order to remove it. The operation is safer than surgery, the likelihood of complications is lower, and the rehabilitation period is shorter. It has a fairly small range of contraindications, therefore it is more preferable than classical resection.


Evaporation of prostate adenoma is divided into several types, depending on the technology used:

  • laser vaporization;
  • plasma vaporization.


Laser vaporization of the prostate involves the use of one of several types of radiation (differing in wavelength) on the flexible tip of an endoscope, also equipped with a camera. This allows you to vaporize tumor-affected tissue and simultaneously coagulate (cauterize) nearby vessels to eliminate the possibility of bleeding. The operation is performed through the urethral canal, which reduces the possibility of infection and the risk of bleeding during the rehabilitation period.

Laser vaporization of the prostate gland does not have a negative effect on healthy tissue because it occurs gradually, only the outer tissue is evaporated to a depth of no more than 1 mm, which guarantees high precision of the operation. After this, the organic remains of the removed tissue are excreted along with urine over the next few days.

Laser vaporization of prostate adenoma is carried out in specialized clinics; the operation lasts about 1.5 hours and is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Removal of prostate adenoma by laser vaporization is safer than classical surgical excision of tissue. Its use reduces the duration of the rehabilitation period and the risk of bleeding and other complications, both during the operation and during the recovery period. After one day of observation, the patient is discharged from the hospital.


Plasma vaporization of prostate adenoma occurs similarly to laser, but involves the additional use of saline solution. This makes it possible to further protect the patient from the possibility of damage to adjacent tissues during surgery.


This procedure to remove a prostate tumor is prescribed:

  • with prostate volume not exceeding 80 ml;
  • lack or low effectiveness of drug treatment;
  • with severe pain during urination.


Removal of prostate adenoma in this way is contraindicated:

  • with an acute infectious process in the gland;
  • for liver and kidney diseases (failure);
  • in case of disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • after a stroke or heart attack.

Preparation for the event

Preparation consists of undergoing a number of tests:

  1. General analysis of urine and blood.
  2. Blood chemistry.
  3. Analysis for infections in the genitourinary system.
  4. ECG.
  5. Ultrasound of the prostate gland.

Other tests may be additionally prescribed. They are necessary to exclude contraindications.

Postoperative period

After the operation, the patient is fitted with a catheter to drain urine (this only happens if necessary). Already one day after the operation, if no complications arise, the patient will have the catheter removed and discharged from the hospital. But for another 7-10 days a doctor’s supervision is carried out.

Over the next few days you need to drink at least 3 liters of clean still water. This is necessary to restore the normal process of urination, along with which the organic remains of the removed tissues are removed.

On the first day after surgery, eating is prohibited. In the next 2 weeks, a dietary diet is also recommended, excluding fatty, fried and salty foods. Drinking alcohol and coffee is also prohibited.

During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to exclude sexual intercourse.

Additionally, antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent possible infection. As a rule, the course lasts no longer than 14 days. Additionally, other groups of medications may be prescribed.

2 weeks after vaporization, normal functioning of the gland is restored, pain completely disappears and erectile function is restored.

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