Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma with Vitafon

Vitafon for prostatitis and prostate adenoma improves the condition of blood vessels, the lymphatic system and the regenerative abilities of tissues. It can be used as a physiotherapeutic procedure in the complex treatment of diseases or as a means of prevention. The exact duration and intensity of the procedures is prescribed by the doctor.

Operating principle and impact

This is a small vibroacoustic device operating from a standard voltage electrical network. Therefore, its use is possible at home. It is an electronic unit with two attachments emanating from it, with the help of which the effect occurs. The electronic unit is equipped with regulators, with the help of which the required mode is set. Newer models are controlled electronically.

Treatment of prostatitis with Vitafon is based on vibration transmitted to the desired area of ​​the body. The device creates acoustic waves of different amplitudes and frequencies that create microvibrations in damaged tissues. During the session, a light body and vibration are felt.

The use of the device is recommended in the presence of congestive chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Vitafon for prostate adenoma and prostatitis has the following effects:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • enhances tissue regeneration;
  • normalizes cellular nutrition;
  • strengthens immunity at the cellular level;
  • improves lymph outflow.

Phonics treatment of prostate adenoma, by improving blood circulation and the lymphatic system, also increases the ability of drugs to penetrate the prostate gland, which improves the therapeutic effect.

Which device to choose

The manufacturer produces several types of devices. They are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Vitafon, Vitafon-T, Vitafon-5. The first two devices have 2 vibraphones. Vitafon-5 is equipped with 6 vibraphones. You can purchase additional equipment for it: an ORPO mattress (general resource support of the body, affects many areas of the body at once) with 20 attached vibraphones, various cuffs (for the lumbar-thoracic region, urological, waist, for arms and legs), additional vibraphones and an additional splitter to them.
  2. Vitafon-2, Vitafon-IR.

The first group acts only with the help of microvibration, phonation occurs to a depth of up to 10 cm. The second group combines vibroacoustic and infrared effects, the combined use of which enhances each other’s therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is recommended to make a choice in their favor.

Contraindications and precautions

There are some contraindications for using Vitafon. These include:

  • infectious diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • heat;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • presence of implants.

Vitafon should be used with caution for calculous prostatitis. At the same time, the installation scheme of vibraphones changes and the effect occurs on the lymph nodes in the groin area.

Use when there is an infection may also worsen symptoms, so treatment with antibiotics is necessary first.

Incorrect use or other reasons (including too frequent or intensive use, as well as the period of first treatments) may cause the following side effects:

  • bladder pain;
  • heaviness in the rectum;
  • problems with urination.

If these symptoms do not go away within several days, you should stop treatment.

Instructions for use

The instructions for using Vitafon for prostatitis do not indicate the exact number of procedures, their intensity and duration of therapy; they depend on the degree of development of the disease. However, it is necessary to treat the prostate with Vitafon for a long time, because the effect exerted cannot significantly improve the situation in a short time.

During the procedure, you must maintain a supine position. One vibraphone is installed on the perineum area, the second - on the bladder area (the area of ​​the lower abdomen 3-4 cm above the pubis). Vibraphones should fit tightly to the area of ​​influence.

The Vitafon treatment regimen for prostatitis includes 2 periods:

  • preparatory (approximately 4 – 5 days);
  • main (10 days).

During the preparatory period, phonation is carried out for a minimum time and with low intensity (2 days - mode 1, the next 2-3 in mode 2).

Then, for 10 days, the time and strength of phonation are increased (mode 4).

For the last 2 days, exposure continues in mode 2.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with Vitafon lasts approximately 90 days. The treatment regimen is identical, but is repeated several times with a break of 5-7 days.

The course of treatment is carried out 2 times a year. The rest of the time, maintenance procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week.

The use of Vitafon for prostate adenoma can be started only after the possibility of oncology has been excluded.

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